domenica 10 giugno 2012

Trekking on Uludag Mountain

Oggi ho sfidato me stessa andando a fare trekking sul monte Uludag...12 Km a piedi fino in cima!!! Al ritorno l'idea era quella di prendere la seggiovia ma il destino beffardo ha voluto che fosse rotta così..ancora a piedi...é stata durissima... ma n'è valsa la pena perchè il paesaggio era incredibile...da levare il fiato!!

Today I've been challanged by myself going trekking on Uludag mountain...12 Km by walk till the top!!
When we had to go back we thought to take the chairlift but it was broken so by walk again!!! It's been very hard but it was worth it because the view and the nature all around us were take breath off!!

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